World Cup Podiums
18 en slalom géant
10 en combiné alpin
3 en slalom
1 en super G
1 City Event
1 parallèle
World Cup Victories
Vainqueur du classement général en 2021.
Vainqueur du classement du slalom géant en 2021.
Vainqueur du classement du combiné en 2016, 2017, 2019 et 2020.
Crystal globes
1 Argent
2 Bronze
Olympic Medals
3 Or
1 Argent
4 Bronze
World Championship medals

A childhood on skis
March 20, 1991: the beginning of my story.
From day one, snow is part of my environment. I grew up on the edge of the Pralong slope in Courchevel in the family hotel where I soon fell in love with sliding and skiing. My Norwegian mother put me on my first boards at the age of 2 and it will be the beginning of a story that will be my whole life.
I grow up in this white world, sport is a driving force in my education.
During my adolescence I tried everything: football, tennis, fencing, boxing, judo... But the snowy peaks ended up taking over. In 2006 I joined the France center in Albertville where everything really started for me...
Career in sports
In 2008 I joined the French ski teams and everything happened quickly!
During the 2009 season, I became junior world champion for the first time! This title allows me to discover the World Cup circuit a few weeks later! And what a discovery! I still have a lot to learn !
Il m’a fallu pas moins d’une dizaine de départs en coupe du monde pour enfin marquer mes premiers points et me lancer sur ce circuit majeur !
Kranjska Gora 2011, I climbed on my 1st podium in the World Cup in my favorite discipline: the Giant! And a few days later, I won the general classification of the European podium en coupe du monde dans ma discipline de cœur : le Géant ! Et quelques jours après, je remporte le classement général de la coupe d’Europe.

First wins
Versatility has always been a driving force in me.
I love everything about skiing, carving, speed, jumps, sliding... So I decided to try everything! It animates me, motivates me and excites me!
During the 2011-2012 season I took part in the entire World Cup circuit, I started in 4 disciplines (GS, SL, SG, AC, City Event).
It was in January 2012 that my passion enabled me to impose myself on the City Event in Moscow: my first victory in the World Cup!
It will be the first of a great lineage of which we will remember my victory in Adelboden on January 7, 2017 which allows me to become the most successful French skier in history (ahead of Jean-Claude Killy) with 19 victories.
Winning world cups marks a career and the spirit, but I also remember these strong moments with my 1st world medal in 2015 in Beaver Creek, my first Olympic medal in Sochi in 2014 and my first Crystal Globe in Chamonix in 2016 ...
Gold and crystal
Versatility still and always my driving force, my passion.
Dans la vie d’un athlète gagner c’est comme respirer. Lorsque tout s’aligne, le bon jour au bon moment, cette sensation d’accomplissement, de fierté ! J’ai eu la chance de vivre cela à plusieurs reprises. Mais lorsque cela arrive le jour où ta carrière peut basculer, alors là ça prend une autre dimension…
Je me souviens de ce jour de février 2019 dans le froid polaire Suédois : je deviens Champion du monde, je me pare de l’or mondial pour la 1ère fois. Un rêve devient réalité !
Un accomplissement mais pas la fin du chemin car j’ai encore de grands projets. Le jour de mes 30 ans, le 20 mars 2021, je remporte le gros globe de cristal. Je suis le 3ème français de l’histoire à remporter le classement général de la coupe du monde, 24 ans après Luc Alphand. Une consécration !
In 2022 I am the only skier in history to have won in 6 disciplines: Giant, Slalom, Super-G, Combined, City Event, Parallel GS... Versatility still and always my driving force, my passion.